Yunshil Cha, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Accounting in the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Cha's research focuses primarily on judgment and decision-making processes in financial and managerial accounting and management control systems.

Courses Taught

  • ACC 623: Advanced Managerial Accounting
  • ACC 723: Adv. Managerial Acct.
  • ACFI 723: Adv Mangrl Acct Concepts& Apps
  • ACFI 896: Topics/InternationalAccounting


  • Ph.D., Accounting, Washington State University
  • M.S., Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • B.S., Hospitality Management, Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests

  • Accounting

Selected Publications

  • Cha, Y., Plante, C., & Ragland, L. (n.d.). Regulated public accessibility to municipalities’ financial reports and bond interest cost. In Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. Emerald. doi:10.1108/jpbafm-05-2023-0072

  • Cha, Y., Plante, C., & Ragland, L. (2024). Regulated Public Accessibility to Municipal Financial Reports and Bond Interest Cost. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, (Early Online).

  • Cha, Y., Gill, S., & Wong-On-Wing, B. (2023). Clawback policy enforcement: To disclose or not to disclose. Advances in Accounting, 62, 100661. doi:10.1016/j.adiac.2023.100661

  • Regenwetter, M., Davis-Stober, C. P., Lim, S. H., Guo, Y., Popova, A., Zwilling, C., . . . Messner, W. (n.d.). QTest: Quantitative testing of theories of binary choice.. Decision, 1(1), 2-34. doi:10.1037/dec0000007

  • Cha, Y., Choi, M., Guo, Y., Regenwetter, M., & Zwilling, C. (2013). Reply: Birnbaum's (2012) statistical tests of independence have unknown Type-I error rates and do not replicate within participant.. Judgment and Decision Making, 8(1), 55-73.

  • Cha, Y., Plante, C., & Ragland, L. (2023, October 14). Regulated Public Accessibility to Municipal Financial Reports and Bond Interest Cost. In the 49th Annual Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference. Portsmouth, NH.

  • Cha, Y., & Wong-On-Wing, B. (2020, August 5). The Effect of Formal Control Justification on Employees' In-Role and Extra-Role Behaviors. In AAA Annual Meeting. Virtual.

  • Cha, Y., Plante, C., & Ragland, L. (2022, March 5). Regulated Public Accessibility to Municipal Financial Reports and Bond Interest Cost. In 2022 Government and Nonprofit Midyear Sectional Meeting of AAA.. Washington, D.C..

  • Cha, Y., Gill, S., & Wong-On-Wing, B. (2023, October 13). Clawback Policy Enforcement: To Disclose or Not to Disclose. In AAA Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. Virtual.

  • Cha, Y., Plante, C., & Ragland, L. (2022, August). Regulated Public Accessibility to Municipal Financial Reports and Bond Interest Cost. In AAA Annual Meeting. Virtual.