El-Hachemi Aliouche
E. Hachemi Aliouche, PhD:<br />Dr Aliouche is the Director of the Rosenberg International Franchise Center at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics where he holds the Rosenberg Chair in Franchising and he is an Associate Professor. His current research focuses on franchise finance, international franchising (particularly in emerging countries), and social franchising. Dr Aliouche’s research has been published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Retailing, Cornell Quarterly, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, etc. In addition, Dr Aliouche is actively engaged with industry. He has written on franchising in his blog in Forbes.com, and leading industry publications such as Entrepreneur Magazine, Franchising World, etc. have published interviews and/or articles by him.<br />Prior to joining UNH as a full-time faculty member, Dr Aliouche held senior level management positions (controller, chief financial officer, etc.) with global companies (AT&T, Lucent Technologies, etc.). As an entrepreneur, Dr Aliouche has launched businesses in health care, investment management, and business consulting.
Courses Taught
- HMGT 618: Uniform Sys for Hospitality In
- HMGT 655: Hotel Finance&Asset Managmt
Research Interests
- Finance
- International Business
- International Management
- International/Global Development
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability
Selected Publications
Aliouche, E. -H. (2019). How Social Franchising Can Address Global Social Issues. International Journal of Franchising Law, 17(1). Retrieved from http://www.iflweb.com/
Aliouche, E. -H., Bonet Fernandez, D., Guechtouli, M., & Guechtouli, W. (2019). Letting Go of the Oil Addiction: Oil, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising in Algeria. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19(4). Retrieved from https://paulcollege.unh.edu/person/el-hachemi-aliouche
Aliouche, E. -H., & Bonet Fernandez, D. (2018). The Franchise Model: How to Accelerate Circular Economy - Implementation in the Recycling Sector. In http://franchisesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/2018-ISoF-Confer…. Quito (Ecuador): International Society of Franchising. Retrieved from http://franchisesociety.com/
Kalargyrou, V., Aliouche, E. H., & Schlentrich, U. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of Franchisee satisfaction in the U.S. restaurant industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(1), 1-20. doi:10.1080/15332845.2017.1328261
Aliouche, E. (2017). International Franchising: Optimal Market Selection. In A. Terry, F. Hoy, & R. Perrigot (Eds.), The Edward Elgar Handbook on Franchising.
Selecting Optimal Expansion markets in International Franchising (2017). Retrieved from https://ipag-irm.sciencesconf.org/
Aliouche, E., & Bonet Fernandez, D. (2017). Social Entrepreneurship and Franchising: A Panacea for Emerging Countries?. In G. Gendrikse, G. Cliquet, T. Ehrmann, & J. Windsperger (Eds.), Management and Governance of Networks: Contributions to Management Science (pp. 75-90). Springer, Cham.
Aliouche, E. -H., Bonet Fernandez, D., Guechtouli, M., & Guechtouli, W. (2018, November 15). Franchising in Emerging Countries: The Case of Algeria. In https://emnet.univie.ac.at/emnet2018/. Vienna, Austria.