Ahmad Etebari
Dr. Etebari is Professor of Finance and Co-Chair of the Atkins Strategic Investment Center at the University of New Hampshire (UNH)’s Peter T. Paul College, Durham, USA. He has been at UNH since 1980 and served as chair of the Accounting and Finance Department from 1995-2013. He has also held visiting positions at Bond University in Australia, Otago University, Canterbury University and Waikato University in New Zealand, University of Tehran, Iran, and University of Massachusetts-Lowell. He is currently Executive Director and Past President of Northeast Business and Economics Association. <br><br>Dr. Etebari’s teaching and research interests are in corporate finance and investments. He has published in national and international professional journals, including Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Global Finance Journal, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, and Managerial Finance. Currently he serves on editorial boards of Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Cyrus Chronicle Journal, Journal of Management Analysis (Revista Gestão em Análise – ReGeA) and Journal of Business and Projects (Revista de Gestão e Projetos – GeP); and as an ad-hoc reviewer for several finance journals. He is a member of iCapital’s Investment Committee.
Courses Taught
- ADMN 930: Financial Management
- FIN 650: Wildcat Investment
Research Interests
- Investments and Securities
Selected Publications
Etebari, A. (2018). Variance Analysis of Financial Ratios and Industry Target Ratios. Global Journal of Contemporary Research in Accounting, 4(1). Retrieved from http://globalbizresearch.org/accounting/issues.php?id=29
Bialkowski, J., Etebari, A., & Wisniewski, T. P. (2012). Fast profits: Investor sentiment and stock returns during Ramadan. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, 36(3), 835-845. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2011.09.014
Ciccone, S. J., & Etebari, A. (2008). A Month-By-Month Examination of Long-Term Stock Returns. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 5(3), 8-18.
Etebari, A., Horrigan, J. O., & Landwehr, J. L. (1987). To Be Or Not to Be ‐ Reaction of Stock Returns to Sudden Deaths of Corporate Chief Executive Officers. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 14(2), 255-278. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5957.1987.tb00543.x
Etebari, A. (2016, March). Investment Performance Of Real Estate: 1978-2012. Retrieved from http://www.cyrusik.org/