Senior Snapshot: Tejun Celestin

Finance + Information Systems and Business Analytics Double Major | Deerfield, NH
Tejun Celestin stands outside Thompson Hall with a graduation cap.

⭐ Tejun Celestin ’22 ⭐
Finance | ISBA | Kinesiology Minor
Deerfield, NH

Rines Angel Fund, Dean’s Ambassador, Former UNH Senate Chair of DEI commission, MOS:DEFUNH Connect Program

“I actually arrived on campus as a biology major for an early orientation program. At the time I was really interested in doing something sports related, and quickly realized I didn’t want to spend my life in a lab. I switched to ‘Undecided’ before classes even started!

I’ve always been driven, but in high school, it was just sports & grades. Throughout my experience here I’ve been able to mature and branch out. I figured business was two things I enjoy: talking to people and numbers. So I joined Paul. People always say this but–Paul College has so many opportunities. The people here set you up for success.

My piece of advice to freshmen would be to really decide what you want to do–however hard that is–and take advantage of all the relevant organizations that we have on campus. For example: Rines Angel Fund is a great experiential learning opportunity. We’re real angel investors creating due diligence reports and it’s been unlike any other experience I’ve had. Meeting founders, learning about private investment. You want to find things that set you apart.

Also, don’t procrastinate... although I admit I’ve never really taken that advice myself!

My summer internship with Goldman Sachs was one of the best experiences I’ve had. I met with Megan Turnbull from CaPS prior to applying, and I credit a lot of my success to her! She spent so much time helping me with my resume, application, and then even over the course of the summer. I'm very grateful and proud to be returning there full-time after graduation. Going into your senior year with a job? Smooth sailing.

When I think about my college experience it’ll always be the people that I think of first. Those random encounters on campus with people you kind of know, the faculty you’ve had – it's the community I'll miss. I’ve met a lot of great people here.”