Senior Snapshot: Hannah Wirth

Information Systems and Business Analytics Major | Dover, NH
Hannah Wirth raises her graduation cap up in celebration in front of UNH's Thompson Hall.

⭐Hannah Wirth ‘22⭐
ISBA | Economics Minor | President of Informations System and Management Association
Dover, NH

"Being homeschooled, I was nervous to come to UNH. I had never been in a real classroom setting, so it was a big transition. I immediately put a lot of pressure on myself to know exactly what I wanted to do–but I ended up all over the place. I think I changed my major four times!

It took me a long time to be okay with this but: it's okay to not know what you want to do. It's more important to say yes to things that you're not sure about. You never know – you may love those things. They may end up being some of the best experiences you’ve had at UNH.

I did TERRIBLY on my 1st MIS exam. I remember going to Professor Dan Silverman’s office to ask for help. He not only took the time to get me back on track, but at the end of the year he pushed me to switch into the ISBA program. He said, "If you can make a comeback from where you were, then you have what it takes to be successful in this major." These days business analytics is not only my future career but something I truly love.

Compared to when I first stepped on campus, I’m more sure of who I am. I have more confidence not only as a student but as a professional. Getting here took a long time, but figuring out my strengths and weaknesses and allowing myself to be vulnerable have really made an impact.

I have to talk about Business in Practice. Working for BiP was not only a great learning opportunity, but led me to my coworkers, who are now some of my closest friends. After work we’d often go pick up lunch @bamee_durham, which is 100% my favorite restaurant downtown. We've had so many great memories together!

Having the freedom to explore will definitely be something I miss about college. Paul gave me so much opportunity: becoming a teaching assistant, working for BiP, preparing me for my Tesla internship. The connections I've made here... I truly hope I have for the rest of my life.

To my family: thank you so much. Especially my parents. If it weren’t for them, I would not be where I am today. Thank you for taking my late night calls upset about exams and listening to me work through big decisions. I can't thank them enough."