A multi-cultural cohort in the MS Business Analytics program has defined Bruneau-Bouchard's experience

Q&A with Willliam Bruneau-Bouchard, '21, BS Business Administration, '22, MS Business Analytics
William Bruneau-Bouchard '22 MS Business Analytics

William Bruneau-Bouchard came to UNH from Quebec, Canada, to pursue an undergraduate degree and stayed on the pursue a graduate degree. An All-American student-athlete in alpine skiing, he says the professors, curriculum, facilities, and support services, and connections made choosing the MS Business Analytics program a "no-brainer." 

Why did you decide to pursue a graduate degree? Why your particular program?

I decided to pursue a graduate degree to further advance my skill, networking opportunities, and obtain more experience with some essential tools in this domain. I choose this program because the future of the business world will soon be based around business analytics and data-driven decisions, so obtaining more deeper knowledge around this topic is crucial if I want to be able to claim the importance ladder within major companies.

Why did you choose UNH and Paul College?

UNH is a great reputable school that is constantly trying to be better and improve its program. The professors are very knowledgeable, welcoming, and are trying to help as much as they can. With all the connections that UNH and the Paul College have, being able to pursue another degree was a no-brainer.

Tell us about a favorite class and/or professor.

My favorite class was one of my undergraduate courses, Business Analytics and Spreadsheet Modeling. This course covered various types of analytical tools that helped me gain more knowledge and experience with modeling and data analysis when solving complex business problems. I really enjoyed this class because it allowed me to develop a strong understanding of business analytics

Tell us about something you have learned/discovered during your program that surprised you. How do you think you will apply it professionally?

William Bruneau-Bouchard skiing for UNH

Being in a multi-cultural cohort that is tightly knitted has been eye-opening on many levels. The differences make the classes more interesting with a broader range of questions and experiences. For projects, those differences bring many perspectives, ideas, and approaches to a problem. For the professional future, I will be able to bring a more diverse background to tackle problems with more different approaches.

Looking back on your time at UNH, what are you most proud of and why?

Looking back at my time at UNH, I am extremely proud of my diligence in my academics as well as my athletic career. Being able to achieve the highest level of education and be able to compete in the sport that I love.

What do you like most about Paul College?

What I like the most about Paul College are all the different accommodations that are available to students. Career services, breakout rooms for studies, Bloomberg terminals, a business librarian, a study lounge, and the teachers that are always available to help are all part of the Paul experience that makes UNH unique.

What do you consider to be the strengths of your academic program?

I think the bigger strength of the problem is that it follows the progress of data analytics from descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Each step starts with a more theoretical side, to real examples, and finally, how to use software or other technological tools to obtain the information faster.

Do you have any advice for others who may be interested in this program?

This program is challenging but very rewarding. The concepts, skills and tools that are learned in the program are and will be more than critical for your professional career.

How do you hope this program will help you advance or pivot in your career?

I hope this program brings me the necessary theory, skills, and tools to be better than the average worker and ultimately bring special opportunities.

Is there anything you feel is important to know about you that we haven't asked about?

Being an All-American student-athlete at UNH (Alpine Skiing) can be challenging with the demanding course load that this program advocates. However, it teaches skills like punctuality, organization, and hard work that can only be learned by being exposed to those type of intense situations.