"Summer internships are important to get experience working in a corporate setting."

A female student holds pints of ice cream up next to her face

Name:  Jordan Bohan 

Hometown: Bedford, NH 

Class year:  Rising Senior (2022) 

Major: Business Administration: Marketing and  Ecogastronomy Dual Major

Internship Company: Ben & Jerry's  

Internship Job Title: Global Digital Marketing Intern 

Tell us the story of how you got this internship. 

After applying for a ton of internships throughout the school year, I was losing hope. During finals week, I saw this opportunity posted on Handshake and applied. I thought that the mix of marketing and sustainable food was a perfect fit for me. I received and initial zoom interview with and HR representative that then lead to a phone interview with my now boss. A day after my final interview, I got the offer! 

Why did this internship/company appeal to you?   

Throughout my time at UNH I have learned a lot about B Corporations, escpecially through Ecogastronomy and the B Impact Clinic. The fact that Ben & Jerry's is a B Corp caught my eye because it confirmed the brand's commitment to corporate social responsibility. The global aspect of this position was also of interest because I was not able to study abroad like I wanted to, so getting some experience working with people from other countries was very appealing to me. Ben & Jerry's is also an overall fun and somewhat local brand so I was excited to apply. 

How do you feel about this internship being remote? 

Being remote definitely was not my first choice, but my team has made me feel included in everything. Having meetings with people from other countries would have been online either way, and most of my position is focused on digital work. The bulk of my work would be online regardless of where I am working from and my boss and team has daily and weekly check ins to make sure I am kept in the loop. Being remote has also allowed me to have a bit more flexibility and HR sets up weekly internship networking and training sessions to make sure we get the most out of this remote opportunity.  

Do you feel prepared for this internship? Did you take any classes that have particularly helped? 

I think that my experience in the B Impact Clinic and Voice Z Digital prepared me a lot for this role. They taught me how to work in a corporate setting and how to work remotely as well. Integrated Marketing Communications and Applications in Digital Marketing  

What have you learned/hope to learn?  

In just a few weeks, I have learned so much. My boss set up a bunch of trainings with Google Analytics and Facebook Blueprint. I also get to sit in on meetings with reprentatives from advertising agencies, Facebook, Instagram, Giphy, and YouTube. I am hoping to learn more about global relations and how to ensure consistency across different markets.  

What doors do you hope this internship will open for you? 

I hope that this internship teaches me skills that I can bring into my future jobs and opportunities. I also hope that I am able to meet people from different departments and job functions given that I am remote.  

Why do you think it’s important for students to pursue summer internships? 

Summer internships are important to get experience working in a corporate setting. It also is a great opportunity try out something you think you may want to do, it is a learning experience. You are also able to network with people who are already established in their careers and you can learn from them as well.