John Link '19

Finance Major with a Sales Minor
John Link

I just closed my first six-figure deal working full-time, and also being a full-time student. I wake up, go to work from 8:30 to 1, come back, go to my class at 2:10, then work again until 5 and am on call until 7. When I was offered the job before my senior year, it was a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t hesitant about it whatsoever, it was more a question of, ‘How am I going to make this work?’ But luckily, my company prioritizes my schoolwork and in my downtime I’m able to get some homework done between calls. Just the other day, my COO walked up to me and told me he signed me up to present at Paul College’s Digital Marketing Symposium. I laughed, but then he just walked away. I was like, is he serious? I’ve never presented in that context before in front of so many people and professionals. The position has jumpstarted my career, and given me experience I wouldn’t have been able to get anywhere else. This summer he interned at C3 Metrics, and is now employed full-time as a client solution specialist, as well as a full-time student. He is also involved in the Professional Sales Group and UNH Sales Club.