"This job is helping me develop an understanding of how this industry works, and it’s giving me insight into whether I want to pursue public relations. I'm confident it will open doors for me."

Juliet Clark looks through some of the clothes in Agentry PR's showroom
Juliet Clark '23 (Economics Major)

Marketing and Public Relations Intern | Agentry PR

Manhattan, NYC, NY


“I knew I wanted to spend my summer exploring marketing, so I just googled firms around Boston and New York. Agentry PR seemed perfect: I love fashion and I recognized a lot of the brands they represent. I didn’t know whether they were looking for interns at the time. I just emailed to say I was really interested in working for them. They decided to give me a phone interview, and well, here I am!

This internship is unpaid, so the internship opportunity fund was kind of my savior. I don't think I would have been able to do this without the $2,500 from Paul. I feel extremely lucky and grateful to be having this experience.

The job: everything we do is for the brands we represent. I help select inventory to send to different fashion writers in the hopes they'll be included in upcoming articles and posts. I also do a lot of research: about the industry, current trends, and other information to maximize publicity.

One cool project is looking into what influencers would be good to represent and promote products. It’s honestly a lot of spreadsheets–but it’s good to learn how the process works!

My favorite part of our office is the showroom. Stylists will come in all the time to pull clothing for photoshoots, parties, red carpets, etc. for whoever their client is.

I also really enjoy sitting in on Agentry's client meetings. Just the other day I was on a call about the direction of a marketing campaign for a new product line. It's really cool to see how those decisions get made.

I originally didn't want to come to UNH. I'm from Durham, so UNH seemed way too close to home. I actually originally decided to attend University of Alabama! But I immediately realized it wasn't a good fit and packed back up to come home. I left so fast I didn't even have to transfer - I had been admitted to UNH so I just about them about joining the fall class and started a few days later. Now I love it here, but this experience in NY has helped me prove to myself that I can make it away from home.

My dream job is to someday direct marketing for a fashion or beauty company. I’m not sure how exactly I’ll get there, but this job is helping me develop an understanding of how this industry works, and it’s giving me insight into whether I want to pursue public relations. I'm confident it will open doors for me."