I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of New Hampshire. My research focuses on causal inference in the field of health economics using econometric methods, machine learning, and large-scale data.
My current research interests fall into three categories: 1) how does health information technology affect healthcare providers and consumers. 2) the impact of public policies on the population mental health and wellbeing. 3) Dynamic demand functions analysis – causes and implications. My research work has been presented at annual economics conferences hosted by Allied Social Science Associations, American Society of Health Economists, and Agricultural & Applied Economics Association.
I teach principles of microeconomics and econometrics II, and I have designed a machine learning course (with Python) explicitly tailored for economics students. Besides the field of health economics, I also have work and teaching experience in econometrics, data science, and finance.
Courses Taught
- ECON 402: Principles of Economics Micro
- ECON 720/898: Economic Problems
- ECON 927: Econometrics II
- INCO 590: Student Research Experience
Research Interests
- Health Economics
- Applied Econometrics
- Development Economics
Selected Publications
Xue, B., & Chen, D. (2022, July 20). More Grandchildren, More Happiness? Evidence from China. In Data-Intensive Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Xue, B., Meyerhoefer, C., & Poznanska, A. (2022, June 26). Implications of the Decline in LGBT Rights for Suicide
Attempts: Evidence from anti-LGBT Statutes in Poland. In American Society of Health Economists Annual Conference. Austin, TX.Xue, B., & Chen, D. (2023, June 11). More Grandchildren, More Happiness? Evidence from China. In American Society of Health Economists Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Xue, B. (2022, March 4). The Effects of Switching Electronic Health Record Developer on Specialty Referrals. In Conference on Health IT and Analytics. Washington D.C..
Xue, B., & Meyerhoefer, C. (2021, August 1). Habit Formation in The Consumption of Healthcare Services. In Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
Xue, B. (2023, January 6). The Effects of Switching Electronic Health Record Developer on Specialty Referrals. In American Economic Association Annual Meating. New Orleans, LA.
Xue, B., & Chen, D. (2024, June 16). An Education Rat Race: The Health Implications of Peer Parenting Styles. In American Society of Health Economists (ASHE) 2024. San Diego, CA.
Xue, B. (2023, June 11). Gender Gap in Climbing the Professional Ladder: Evidence from Physician Referral Network Changes after Switching Electronic Health Record Vendors. In American Society of Health Economists Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Xue, B. (2022, June 26). The Effects of Switching Electronic Health Record Developer on Specialty Referrals. In American Society of Health Economists Annual Conference. Austin, TX.