Thank You for Your Interest in UNH Paul Graduate Programs

Thank You for Your Interest in UNH Paul Graduate Programs
Fall 2021 Graduate Programs Office Staff Photo

Thank you for requesting information about UNH Paul College of Business and Economics graduate programs. Be sure to check your email for important follow up information. If you have any questions about your program of interest, or about the admissions process, please feel free to call us at (603) 862-1367 or email us at


Attend an Information Session    Apply    Tuition and Fees

Graduate Programs Office

The Paul College Graduate Programs Office is your support system from initial point of contact until graduation. We also act as a liaison with other offices on campus that you will have contact with.Our recruiting and admissions staff meets with prospective students and assists with the application process, while our coordinators act as advisors for enrolled students.


Graduate Student Resources

Whether you're a new UNH graduate student learning to navigate student life or a current student looking for information, resources specifically for graduate students can be found here, such as graduate school deadlines, how to enroll in courses, brushing up on policy and procedure and links to many of our other graduate student services. 


International Students

The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) is here to welcome you. It provides immigration advising  and support and coordinates programs to bring our international, campus and local communities together. OISS will help you discover opportunities at UNH to immerse in American culture and share your own traditions with others. 


UNH Graduate School


Key Highlights

very high research university designation

1 of 12
land, sea and space grant universities

highest sustainability rating

safest campus town in America

institutes and centers