On Tuesday we celebrated some very deserving faculty and staff at Paul College, recognizing them for years of service to the college and our students – and for being outstanding in their careers. We also said some heartfelt goodbyes to pillars of this institution.
To all of you: thank you again for all you've done for us.
Excellence in Teaching for Tenure-Track: Yin Germaschewski
A photo of Yin Germaschewski
Excellence in Teaching for Non-Tenure-Track: Richard Kilbride
A photo of Rick Kilbride and Steve Ciccone
Outstanding Researcher: Jay (Jaroslav) Horvath
A photo of Jay (Jaroslav) Horvath
Dean’s Award for Excellence:
Debbie Hensley
Cynthia Plascencia
A group photo of Debbie Hensley, Laura Hill, Sherri Cannon, and Jeff Sohl
Retiring this year:
Carol Barnett
Bill Knowles
Katherine Maloney
Deborah Merrill-Sands