Jenn Griffith
A photo of students presenting research projects in Paul College's great hall


This year, the Paul College Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) will designate a session dedicated to sustainability and DEI concepts. The titles submitted for this session are included below:


  • An Economic Analysis of California's Cap-and-Trade Program
  • An Economic Analysis of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
  • British Columbia's Carbon Tax
  • The Emissions Trading Scheme in the European Union
  • The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Difference in Resources & Opportunities Available to Club versus Varsity Team Sports
  • Analyzing the Gender Split between UNH, Paul College, and Concentrations within Paul College
  • Exploring the Inclusivity of the FIRE Peer Advisors Program
  • Low-Income Student Experiences and Support Systems at UNH

This poster session will run on April 21st from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm in Paul College.