Ben Dion

SBDC is adding to our curriculum of free 15-minute eCourses for small businesses. We now have six eCourses on Digital Marketing, and many more to come on other topics over the next few weeks.

If you are just starting to work on a website for your business - or update your current version - get some strategic pointers in Three Steps to Crafting an Effective Small Business Website. As you are adding pages, blogs and other content to your website, maybe you need some ideas and strategies for How to Write Website Content for Humans (and Robots, too!). You want to make sure you are showing up in the right search results - so take Parts 1 & 2 of Search Engine Optimization: How to Train Googlebot and Grow Your Traffic. Is it all working? Find out what to measure and how to track what's working - or not - in A Practical Approach to Website Analytics. Last, but not least, How to Create and Implement a Winning Social Media Strategy provides clear, strategic guidance for building a presence on social media.

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