Social Franchising Resources

Social franchising is the application of the business format franchising model to address societal issues such as joblessness, drug use, poverty, disease, sanitation, access to potable water, lack of education, etc. The Rosenberg International Franchise Center (RIFC) is engaged in academic endeavors to produce timely and relevant franchise-related research and forecasts impacting the field of franchising, including the emerging social franchising sector.

Social Sector Franchising Video Series on YouTube

This informative series of 3-10 minute videos is provided by the International Franchise Association’s Social Franchising Committee and the University of New Hampshire’s Rosenberg International Franchise Center to raise awareness about social franchising. The videos cover the basics of the franchise model, differences between social and commercial franchising, and other topics related to social franchising.

RIFC Global Social Franchise Index

The RIFC Global Social Franchise Index is an annual index that ranks 131 countries according to the impacts social entrepreneurship and social franchising can have on their country’s citizens’ well-being. This index incorporates metrics that include a country’s citizens’ health conditions, education levels, income, population size, as well as the riskiness of operating in that country.

View the RIFC Global Social Franchise Index

Social Franchise Bibliographies

In accordance with the Rosenberg International Franchise Center (RIFC) mission to conduct research and provide educational material about franchising, we have compiled bibliography lists on international franchise, social franchise, and franchise finance academic research to assist students, entrepreneurs, and the wider franchise community.

View the Social FrancHise bibliographies

Research/Case Studies

Visit the Research/Case Studies

Other Publications

Social franchising: You can Have an Impact

Investing In Social Franchising

How Social Franchising Can Address Global Social Issues

Africa In Need Of New Solutions: Social Entrepreneurship And Franchising To The Rescue


View recordings of UNH-hosted social franchising webinars.

Visit the Webinar Videos page

Additional Resources

Social Sector Franchising Task Force (International Franchise Association)

Spring Impact (formerly The International Centre for Social Franchising)

Stage Six