Student Mentee

Welcome Student Mentee! 

The Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics believes you will benefit greatly from the professional rapport you and your mentor develop over the two-year Financial Partners Program.

Junior, Year 1 – First Mentor Assigned
Senior, Year 2 – Second Mentor Assigned


Students are encouraged to be prepared with meaningful questions and be ‘prepped and polished’ to attend business meetings and meals.

After meetings, the student mentee is responsible for documenting the meetings and reflecting on what was discussed.

Once selected to be in the Financial Partners Program, students sign a contract agreeing to the responsibilities associated with participating in the program.

The Peter T. Paul College Financial Policy Center directors, Mihail Miletkov, Michael Hanlon and Steve Ciccone will oversee student involvement and activity.

Meetings & Documentation

Meetings may take place at a restaurant, office or via Skype. You should have at least two scheduled meetings a year with your mentor. Document your meeting with the mentors using the Financial Partners Program Mentor Meeting form.

Reimbursement Procedure - If you incur meal or travel expenses when meeting with your mentor, fill out the Personal Reimbursement Form and include an original, legible receipt. When completed, submit these two items to the Financial Partners Program Manager, Gail Dixon-McMahon. Be sure to maintain a copy of your receipts for your own records as well.​

Personal Reimbursement Form


For any questions or help, please contact the program’s manager, Gail Dixon-McMahon.