Become a Mentor

Become a Financial Partner Mentor

The Peter T. Paul Financial Policy Center welcomes financial professionals to become Financial Partners Program mentors where you would mentor a student with a strong interest in a finance career.

Program Objectives - The overall goal is to facilitate premier job placement for our most motivated and high potential finance students. Students in our Financial Partners Program are expected to compete with Ivy League graduates for their positions. They will aim high, but with hard work and perseverance, we are confident they can reach their goals. Mentors provide the key networking and advisory piece to help these students succeed.

Exceptional Student Mentees - Student mentees complete a rigorous application process and are selected for their superior academics, interest and motivation, as well as high potential for success. Paul College Finance Department Faculty and Directors from the Financial Policy Center determine who is selected by reviewing applicants’ credentials and conducting interviews.

Mentor Role - Note that the mentor role does not involve finding jobs. Instead, the role is about helping students learn about networking, develop their initial professional network, hone their soft skills, and give advice on a wide variety of career-related topics. You would share the insights and experiences you gained from your own career with your student mentee.

Required Mentor Activity

  • Two meetings (local) or phone call/Skype meetings (non-local) with assigned student mentee during the academic year
  • Any meal expenses incurred would be reimbursed
  • Begin meeting with the student in the Fall term of his/her junior year and continue meeting with the student through the Spring term of his/her senior year

Encouraged and Suggested Activities

  • Arrange for follow-up contact (meals, phone calls, emails, etc.)
  • Office visit
  • Job shadowing
  • General career advice and support
  • Connecting mentee to others in network

To learn more about becoming a mentor, e-mail Stacy Hokinson.