Service Packages

Discover a suite of tailored data services designed to empower your business. From in-depth market research to strategic competitor analysis and affordable pricing modeling, we provide the insights you need for success. Explore our range of services, each crafted to elevate your decision-making and propel your business forward. At the Center for Business Analytics - Paul College, UNH, we turn data into your most valuable asset. Let's drive your success story together.

Marketing Research Package is a comprehensive solution designed for businesses seeking a deeper understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging trends. This  project equips you with actionable data essential for informed decision-making and effective strategic planning.

Process Breakdown:

  1. Onboarding: We kick off with an initial consultation to grasp your objectives, followed by establishing a data sharing and confidentiality agreement. 

  2. Data Collection and Analysis: Our team diligently gathers industry reports, market data, and customer insights. Using AI, statistical and analytical tools, we analyze the collected data to identify key insights.

  3. Competitive Analysis: We conduct a brief analysis of your competitive landscape, pinpointing strengths, weaknesses, and benchmarking your position against key competitors.

  4. Trend Identification: Our experts identify crucial emerging market trends and opportunities within your industry, while also evaluating potential threats and challenges.

  5. Reporting and Recommendations:  We provide tailored strategic recommendations based on the research findings, guiding your business toward informed and impactful marketing decisions.

Choose our Marketing Research Package for insights that transform challenges into opportunities and data into growth. 

This program is designed to provide a clear and concise analysis of key competitors, without complexity. It's the perfect tool for businesses ready to refine their strategies to outshine their competition.

Process Overview:

  1. Onboarding: We begin with an initial consultation to understand your specific objectives. Together, we'll identify key competitors based on industry, location, and market share.

  2. Data Collection and Analysis: Our approach includes gathering comprehensive information and analyzing competitor websites, their social media presence, and online customer reviews to offer you a holistic view.

  3. SWOT Analysis: We conduct an in-depth SWOT analysis for each identified competitor. This allows us to compare your positioning with competitors, uncovering unique differentiation opportunities.

  4. Strategic Recommendations: The package is finalized with tailored strategic recommendations for better positioning within your market.

Choose our Competitor Analysis Package to gain critical insights and strategies that put you ahead in the competitive race.

Unlock the potential of your pricing strategy with our Pricing Modeling Package. This project simplifies pricing analysis, focusing on essential factors such as cost analysis, competitive pricing, and customer willingness to pay.

Process Overview:

  1. Onboarding: With an initial consultation we aim to understand your business model, products or services, and pricing objectives.

  2. Cost Analysis: We conduct a detailed review of your cost structure, covering production costs, overhead, and profit margins to uncover opportunities for cost optimization.

  3. Customer Survey or Feedback Analysis: Our aim is to understand customer perceptions of your pricing and their willingness to pay, helping us identify pricing preferences and sensitivity to price changes.

  4. Pricing Strategy Recommendations: We offer insights for pricing adjustments or strategies that aim to maximize profitability while ensuring you stay competitive in the market.

Choose our Pricing Modeling Package for a strategic approach to pricing that balances profitability with market dynamics.

Our Strategic Data Insights Package is a specialized offering for businesses looking to leverage their existing datasets to their fullest potential. This package provides thorough data analysis and impact assessment, delivering actionable insights crucial for informed strategic decision-making and driving positive business outcomes.

Process Overview:

  1. Onboarding: An initial consultation aimed to understand your business objectives and establish specific analysis goals. We ensure a seamless data-sharing agreement with a strong emphasis on data confidentiality.

  2. Data Quality Assessment: We evaluate the quality and reliability of your datasets. This step involves identifying and resolving any issues that could impact the accuracy of our analysis.

  3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) & Statistical Modeling: Our team conducts an exploratory data analysis to reveal patterns, trends, and outliers. We employ advanced statistical modeling techniques to assess the impact of various factors on your key business metrics.

  4. Impact Assessment and Recommendations: A comprehensive report is prepared, detailing key findings, insights, and recommendations, aimed at guiding your strategic decisions and maximizing the impact of your data.

Opt for our Strategic Data Insights Package to transform your data into a powerful asset for strategic enhancement and outcome-driven decision-making.

If you are interested in learning more or partnering with us, fill out the form on our Contact page and choose "Interested in a Service Package" under Engagement Type. Or contact Valentina at directly.

The time each project takes differs depending on your needs, avaiable resources and workload. All deliverables deadlines will be discussed in the Statement of Work.