Economics Graduate Seminar

The graduate seminar introduces students to research in economics. This is considered an important component of the graduate program by the Economics Department. The seminar will feature presentations of researchers from UNH as well as other universities and provide an opprtunity for students to review these papers. 


  • Sales students network with professionals at a sales center event

Seminar Speaker Schedule- Fall 2023

ECON 988 and 996    
Economics Graduate Seminar      

Fall 2023    
Paul 225, 2:10-3:30pm (unless otherwise * noted)       

Date Seminar
September 1  No seminar
September 8 Research Workshop for Graduate Students  (presenters: Robert Mohr, Andrew Houtenville, Deniz Ozabaci), *2:10-4:00pm  
September 15 Todd Guilfoos– University of Rhode Island - "Racial    Disparities    in    School    Water    Lead    Exposure."  
September 22 Iris Tryfoni– University of New Hampshire – “Intertemporal Welfare Effects of Bigheaded Asian Carp in Lake Michigan through the Lens of Recreational Fishing.”
September 29  Emilio Borghesan- Princeton University/ University of Michigan– "A Reappraisal of the Effect of Class Size on Children’s Learning."    
October 6

Mariana Laverde – Boston College –"Teacher Assignment and Student Outcomes: Evidence from a Centralized Market of Teachers."    

October 13 Samuel S. Bird –Bates College –“Technology Adoption and Market Participation in Smallholder Agriculture.”
October 20 Adam Nowak –West Virginia University –“How Do Homeowners, Teachers, and Students Respond to a Four-Day School Week?"
October 27 Brendan Epstein - UMass Lowell– “What Drives Trends in Employment and Hours Worked per Worker? A Cross Country Analysis.”    
November 3 Jim Wible– University of New Hampshire –“The Abductive, Semiotic, and Computational Function of Money.”
November 10  Veteran's Day
November 17 Will Pettinico- University of New Hampshire
November 24  Thanksgiving Break
December 1*  David Kohn- Instituto de Economia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile- "International Trade Finance and Learning Dynamics." *Zoom Talk
December 8  Xueting Sun- University of New Hampshire